Monday, October 17, 2011

2011-10-16 Dog Lake Hiking (#18)

Hiking Photo Link

Dog Lake in Big Cottonwood Canyon has great aspen fall color on the north side of the trail looking south. The aspen trees display shades of green and yellow at this time of the year. We have a big group this time hiking the Dog Lake trail (in Mill D North). Weather is a bit cloudy, but we get about 30 minutes of blue sky. Light raindrop fell toward the end of the hike. Hopefully, we have a few weeks of good and mild weather for us to hike. Some of our teens got on the wrong trail leading to Desolation Lake. The trail sign at the fork was vandalized so it wasn't possible for them to tell which way to go. The right path leads to Dog Lake, and the left path leads to Desolation Lake. But we got Keyi and Guojiang chasing after them when we found out at Dog Lake that they were heading to Desolation Lake. Our group started the hike around 3:15 and returned to trail head around 6:30. The sun broken through the clouds and lit up the mountain top. It was quite a scene! Brother Qiang met us half way when we headed down the trail. Shuping has told him how beautiful the fall color was along the trail. Interactive trail activity is available at

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