Sunday, June 26, 2011

2011-06-26 Emigration Canyon Ridgeline Trail 2 (#6)

Hiking Photo Link

We were planning on hiking the Great Western Trail to Big Mountain in the East Canyon area. However, due to an extremely wet winter weather, highway 65 from mile posts 3 to 13 is closed through end of June. We made a quick turn back to the Little Mountain summit to hike the Emigration Canyon Ridgeline trail for the second time as a group. Wild flowers in the lower portion of the trail have becoming dried, but upper portion still has different kind but similar color wild flower in full blossom. What a beautiful scene! Randy and I biked the trail. But since there were so many ups and downs, I ditched my bike half way. Randy almost make it to the summit, but had to be held back because we needed to go back and take Mark to dinner. I picked up my bike and headed down on a somewhat steep hill and flipped upside down. Luckily I only had a few scratches on my arm. My knee hit the ground and bled a bit. I had a big bruise on the back side of my right leg that I had no idea how that happen when I fell. Anyway, I was ok and continued to bike down the trail. When we went back to the trailhead, a sister told me that they saw a snake on the trail. I am glad that we did not encounter it on our hike.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

2011-06-18 Emigration Canyon Ridgeline Trail

Knowing that Father's Day (6/19) will be a rainy day, we decided to hike the Emigration Canyon Ridgeline trail because both Lijue and Phoebe missed last time (6/5). The wild flowers were still blooming and the sky was dressed with quick-changing clouds.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

2011-06-08 Avenues Twin Peaks Trail Hike

I love those wild flower meadow scenes during our hike on the Emigration Canyon Ridgeline trail last Sunday (6/5). I remember that we've hiked the Avenues Twin Peaks trail on 4/24, which was a cloudy and a bit windy day. I thought maybe I can still catch some wild flower remnant on the trail. So I went on a short hike on this trail during my lunch hour. And guess what? There were still plenty of wild flower (arrowleaf balsamroot) on the meadows, though some had become dry and sapless. But once you reach higher elevation on the trail, the flowers are vibrant and lively.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

2011-06-05 Emigration Canyon Ridgeline Trail Hike (#5)

Hiking Photo Link
I went hiking with my church friends. We couldn't pick another perfect time to hike this spectacular trail. The view (wild flowers, rolling hills, valley, canyons, etc.) at the Emigration Canyon Ridgeline trail was breath-taking! The arrowleaf balsamroots are in full blossom (usually in early June, and we happened to come to this trail at the right time!).

Thanks the Lord for a wonderful warm and breezy afternoon and great fellowship on the trail. This trail (5.2 miles round trip, 1,100 feet elevation gain) was not exact an "easy" trail according to the trail info I handed out to many of you this afternoon. There were lots of up and down hills in this trail. It is actually a combination of easy, moderate and strenuous level of hike that tests the hikers' perseverance and determination. The final destination is a mountain top that greatly rewards those who made it view of Parley's Canyon (I-80), Emigration Canyon and Salt Lake valley (and Great Salt Lake too).